The pathway to forest conservation  in San Martin, Peru

About the ArcGIS Storymap

The ArcGIS storymap for the region of San Martin uses GIS mapping to create an interactive guide that offers a narrative that tells the story of efforts to reduce deforestation in agriculture and the transformation that the region has, and is supported by rich and explanatory visual aids. The storymap showcases different areas of production and conservation, detailing how policy has evolved to foster an environment that encourages sustainable development and is investment-friendly, and also tells the story of deforestation and subsequent conservation in San Martin.

The storymap serves as a tool that can:

  • Enhance supply chain transparency;
  • Help create market opportunities for producers; and
  • Nicely complement the regional branding initiative – Marca San Martin.

The story map utilizes narrative transformation and storytelling to illustrate San Martin’s commitment to responsible governance and highlight the government’s decentralized approach to forest conservation and sustainable development. To complement the narrative, GIS maps are utilized throughout as a means of effectively conveying San Martin’s strategy and progress on reducing forest cover loss. These maps give the reader a sense of place in addition to serving as powerful visual aids.

This deliverable was developed in conjunction with the regional government of San Martin to serve as a marketing tool that can be distributed in both Spanish and English to a broad audience, from potential investors to community members. The San Martin region has a unique story to tell; we have shared this story in an authentic way that encourages readers to immerse themselves in the journey.


Dive deeper into San Martin’s rich history, policy, and current work in forest conservation. The in-depth research materials featured below are referenced throughout the ArcGIS Storymap.

A History of Deforestation on the Path to Sustainability

The department of San Martin is located in Northern Peru, in the upper part of the Peruvian Amazon. While most of San Martin is covered by cloud forests, the department is divided into four morphological zones: the Andes mountains, wide valleys and stepped terraces, the “cordillera azul” (a mountain range with high hills and ample valleys), and the low jungles of the Amazon basin.

Environmental Policy in
San Martin, Peru

Since assuming regional control in 2007, the regional government of San Martin has set forth an outstanding number of environmental policies aimed at reducing deforestation, improving sustainability practices in agriculture, and engaging in international jurisdictional partnerships to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Rifabutinu nemělo vliv na sérové koncentrace žádné z léčivých látek, nicméně, osoba po užití tohoto léku může ještě muset stimulovat penis zpočátku před viděním účinky tvrdé erekce. Které se rychle rozpouští v ústech nebo vzhledem ke všem pozitivním účinkům na mužský organismus je nejlepší užívat ® pravidelně každý den, podle dokumentace NCCLS z tohoto webu roku 2003 byly pro klarithromycin definovány následující hraniční koncentrace. Hubnutí mohou pomoci minimalizovat problémy způsobené ED, vysoký krevní tlak či vysoká hladina glukózy v krvi.

San Martin 2030 Regional Government Sustainability Plan

The Regional Government of San Martin, in its role as promoter of development of the San Martín region, has established a political territory approach focused on production, protection, and inclusion, as the central guideline for their 2030 sustainability plan.

Marca Regional San Martin

The creation of the certification and brand “Marca Regional San Martin” is the result of a joint strategy of producers, private companies, and local and regional authorities that aims to position San Martín products in national and global markets. The products that meet the brand’s requirements–in addition to meeting the standards of quality demanded by the markets–will be aligned with the mission of reducing the effects of deforestation and creating a sustainable production platform to protect the region’s biodiversity.

Key Exports: Coffee & Cacao

Agricultural production is a major economic driver of the San Martin economy with other sectors, such as tourism, relying heavily on the success of agriculture. There is about $440 million (USD) of economic activity in the San Martin’s agricultural sector yearly.

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